Sally Bamboo
This and that, and some other things as well. And puppies.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
A Cat is not a Doggie
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Just to Watch Him Die
Immediately, I jump to the conclusion that Mom has whacked somebody in Reno for a modest fee of $120 and the Feds are finally onto her, so she needs to keep the hot money in safe hands for a bit. Turns out, she was on her way to work, forgot the padlock for her little personal effects locker and didn't want to keep that much cash unattended in the break room. She's perfectly justified, of course; those other 50-year-old Minnesotan ladies she works with at Williams Sonoma always looked like petty thieves to me, too.
Here, Kitty Kitty...
So we went and got a cat last Saturday. Found her at the Humane Society and she was all sweet--not at all like the mean cats I've met over the years--and snuggled up against us and begged us to take her home (she's 5 years old and her previous owner died). So, despite the fact that I'm not a cat person by any stretch of the imagination, take her home we did for the following three reasons: 1) She's cute, 2) She's a Bengal, so she doesn't bother the handsome yet sneezy Boyfriend/Roomate's allergies, and 3) She was, as a Humane Society cat, much cheaper than one would normally pay for one of her brethren. We stripped her of her atrocious former name and christened her Lyra, after the main character in the Phillip Pullman kids' books (double geek alert!) It's pronounced like the old Italian currency, not like Tyra Banks, because even though they used the latter in the movie version of The Golden Compass--which thoroughly butchered the spirit of the books, by the by--that's how Boyfriend and I both read the name in our heads. This is her:
Awww. Cute little spots and everything. Anyway, it's been a mixed bag of emotions since then since, as I said, I'm NOT a cat person which means I don't understand how they work and they don't understand how I work and that causes some stress. I had a mild panic attack as I was going to bed on Saturday night because first the little darling pees on MY side of the bed and then hides. Sure, she was frightened, but come on! I took it as a personal affront. Then, as I nestle down into the inadequate spare sheet/blanket combo we've used in lieu of the laundering linens, she starts prancing all over my nightstand and trying to eat the hyacinths and STEPPING ON MY GLASSES. I NEED THOSE. I DON'T HAVE VISION COVERAGE RIGHT NOW.
And right away, that turns into HOLY SHIT THERE IS A CAT IN MY HOUSE AND IT'S GOING TO PEE ON EVERYTHING which quickly morphs into I'VE TOTALLY LOST CONTROL OF MY LIFE AND P.S. THE SUN WILL NEVER COME BACK OUT (yesterday, update: after about a week of gray sleety misery, the sun did indeed come back out.) So, I hyperventilate a bit while Handsome/No-Longer-Sneezy coaxes me back into sanity, and the next morning I wake up with a crying hangover. No joke. My sinuses are so stuffed up that it feels like I'm recovering from three glasses of Three Buck Chuck (which is a lot for me.)
Little Lyra spent the night in the bathroom, and that's where she's stayed ever since, with supervised time to explore the rest of the apartment that she earns with good behavior. Over the last couple of days, with Kitty confined safely away from my glasses, I've grown rather fond of her. She's been sitting in my lap, purring like a motorboat, drooling like a St. Bernard (we recently realized she only has about six teeth,) and I'd enjoyed these times. It was nice having another thing in the apartment. I learned that "Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow" means "I'm happy to see you, please pet me" rather than "I'm going to pounce on your head and pee in your hair." We were coming to an understanding, and I was all set to write a nice, fawning post about my new kitty. Then, twenty minutes ago, we tried to give her some amoxicillin drops for the tooth she had pulled back in jail, and it was all "MMMRRROOOWWW..HSSSSSSS!!!...GRRRRRR!...SCREW YOU GUYS!!!"
Back to square two.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I still want my lollipop
As I was saying this morning, (pre-humiliating-routine-checkup,) they really need to reinstate the lollipop system with doctor visits, because I'm having a harder and harder time going if there's no incentive at the end other than a plain beige Band Aid (also to be reinstated: festive Band Aids). With this in mind, I stopped by Jamba Juice for a reward on the way back to work and was promptly handed this:
A berry-granola-breakfasty-thingie FOR FREE. Now, handing a writer some free food that's not wrapped in cellophane (or--let's face it--that is, for that matter) is akin to giving him or her a pat on the back and saying "Buck up, Champ. Even if your publication goes all CBS or Star Tribby on you and find yourself laid off as a victim of the terrible state of the media, there's still the occasional, nutritious bit of free food in the world so you probably won't starve or have to write computer manuals just to eat."
So, regardless of the fact that it was just a really thick granola-littered smoothie suffering under a banana dictatorship, I ate it all up. Yum!
Friday, April 4, 2008
On Names
Hello, World!
The one, the only, the incomparable Myrtle Schmeckpepper is dipping her toes in the above-ground blogging pool and anything could happen. Enlightenment? Probably. Hilarity? Depends on who you ask. Tyranny and social revolution? Probably not, but never say never. Mostly, we're looking at a little stone tablet where I may carve the countless little flashes of brilliance that flicker through my days and usually evaporate into the vast, empty universe where they hang out with plasma and quasars and bacteria fossils trapped in ice and all of the other cool things that hang out in the universe. But no more! Either that, or I'll just post pictures of puppies. A little from Column A, a lot from Column B.
Here goes!