This and that, and some other things as well. And puppies.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008



Plus these:

Plus this:

= What I drove behind the entire route to work this morning. This woman was like a giant stick of Bubblelicious on two wheels. I was about to say that there wasn't even a photo to illustrate the best part of her ensemble, but then I searched on a whim and found it:

Yessiree Bob, ladies and gentlemen, that is a bona-fide motorcycle helmet con artificial pigtails. Wow.

So I followed her for 33 blocks on this thing (she was actually making pretty decent time) and this is how my thoughts progressed:

Blocks 1-5: "Ugh, pink, eew"

Blocks 6-15:"Well, she certainly did commit to a theme, I'll give her that."
Blocks 16-22: "She's kind of awesome."

Blocks 23-30:"She must get about 300 miles per gallon on that thing."

Blocks 31-33:"I'm a huge jerk for driving a car and I'm probably responsible for global warming."

If I got a Vespa, though, it would be pale blue:

Mmmmm, pretty and efficient.You all know I'd be hell-on-wheels on that thing.

1 comment:

Gina C. said...

Pigtails ON the helmet? That is amazing. THIS is the way to combine hair and helmet:

I am glad to know that you hate pink, too.